
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

N. Haufe, A. Millonig, K. Markvica:
"Using Milieu-Based Communication Strategies for Changing Mobility Behaviour Towards Low Energy Modes. Energy Efficiency";
Talk: BEHAVE 2016 - 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Coimbra (invited); 2016-09-08 - 2016-09-09; in: "BEHAVE 2016 Special Issue", Springer, (2017), ISBN: 978-989-95055-9-9; 1 - 12.

English abstract:
Promoting the usage of low energy modes like walking and cycling requires devising both adequate information services and offers, but also appropriate incentives and motivations to arouse interest and actually change mobility behaviour. To develop persuasion strategies for different social groups, a milieu-based segmentation approach from market research (Sinus Milieus) is applied in this study in order to identify homogeneous groups of shared mobility-related information needs and to extract appropriate group-related arguments to promote active mobility (e.g. health, environment, costs, image, or adventure). This contribution describes the methodological approach combining qualitative-interpretative (12 focus groups; n=96) and quantitative-statistical methods (online and telephone survey; n=1,000 individuals representative for the Austrian population over 14 years) and the results in form of six comprehensively defined homogeneous target groups for Austria. Based on the outcomes, tailor-made concepts for specifically addressing each target group (arguments, information needs, and preferred information channels) are developed, thus providing a solid basis for implementing measures for promoting low energy modes.

mobility behaviour, social milieus, low energy modes, persuasion

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Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.