

I. Gebeshuber:
"Foreword: Biocommunication in the Web of Life: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches";
in: "Biocommunication: Sign-Mediated Interactions between Cells and Organisms, Herausgeber: R. Gordon und J. Seckbach", World Scientific, Singapore, 2017, (eingeladen), ISBN: 978-1786-340443, S. 1 - 57.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The question "What is life?" has puzzled mankind since the early
beginnings. Biocommunication provides a distinct marker between
life and non-life: only living entities communicate via signs and
codes. Dead matter follows physics and chemistry, without the
additional magic sparkle of communication.
This book is a compilation of chapters by key authors from
important fields in biocommunication. The book has two major
parts, with Part 1 being more concerned with theoretical aspects,
and Part 2 presenting important experimental approaches.
Biocommunication denotes communication on all levels in the
web of life: communication takes place inside cells, across cells,
within an organism and from one to another, within one species,
across species, and even across time. Table 1 denotes which chapter deals with which biocommunication actors, Table 2 denotes the
respective signal types the authors are dealing with and Table 3
establishes further synergies besides biocommunication actors and
signal types. From these tables, synergies in all three categories
across the chapters in the book can easily be identified, and the
reader can direct his or her attention to the respective works.

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