
Non-textual Scientific Publications:

U. Pont:
"U-Value & Condensation Calculator v0.21 (based on EN ISO 6946, EN ISO 13788, et al.)";
Publication type: Tool / Werkzeug, project: Teaching / Research; 2017.

English abstract:
Spreadsheet (Excel-based) Calculator for
- U-Value (following EN ISO 6946)
- Condensation in Components (following Glaser-Method) including dewperiod and dryout visualisation and calculus
- Condensation on (hygroscopic) internal surfaces.

German abstract:
Spreadsheet (Excel-based) Calculator for
- U-Value (following EN ISO 6946)
- Condensation in Components (following Glaser-Method) including dewperiod and dryout visualisation and calculus
- Condensation on (hygroscopic) internal surfaces.

Condensate, U-Value, Surface condensate, dew period, dry out period, Glaser

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.