
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Mossel:
"The Opportunities of Virtual & Augmented Reality";
Hauptvortrag: APA Digital Business Trends, Wien (eingeladen); 23.02.2017.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The advent of technologically based approaches through mixed reality (MR) environments holds significant promise in its ability to form a new medium, which is capable to extend and push the boundaries of various business areas. To broaden the technological understanding, the different forms of mixed reality, spanning from augmented realty (AR) to virtual reality (VR) are presented, interlocked with ready-to-use hardware solutions to create a knowledge base for business integration. An overview of application areas, such as entertainment, edutainment, training, simulation and therapy gives insights how MR is currently applied to solve real-world problems. Linked to this overview recent research efforts of the TU Wien in the field of first responder training, architectural virtual walk-throughs and virtual rehabilitation are presented. Next, one of TU Wien´s latest research project is presented in detail that provides high precision, multi-user wide-area tracking at low-cost which can be used as a core technology for a variety of business use cases, such as training, edutainment and the next generation of VR gaming. To deepen the understanding of the potential of Mixed Reality, a recent basic research project of TU Wien is shown that allows live exploration of remote real-world 3D environments with the help of VR. This novel technology opens up new opportunities across multiple business domains, such as real-estate, tourism and disaster management.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Large-Scale, 3D Reconstruction, Multi-User, Training, Rehabilitation, Walk-Throughs

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