Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
P. Panek, G. Fazekas, T. Lüftenegger, P. Mayer, T. Pilissy, M. Raffaello, A. Rist, R. Rosenthal, A. Savanovic, A. Sobjak, F. Sonntag, A. Tóth, B. Unger-Hrdlicka:
"On the Prototyping of an ICT-Enhanced Toilet System for Assisting Older Persons Living Independently and Safely at Home";
Talk: Health Informatics Meets eHealth - Proceedings of the 11th eHealth2017 Conference,
- 2017-05-24; in: "Proc of eHealth 2017",
D. Hayn, G. Schreier (ed.);
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics / IOS press,
Volume 236
ISSN: 0926-9630;
- 183.
English abstract:
Standard toilets often do not meet the needs of a significant number of older persons and persons with disabilities. The EU funded iToilet project aims at design and development of a new type of ICT enhanced modular toilet system which shall be able to support autonomy, dignity and safety of older persons living at home. Methodologically the project started with gathering user requirements by means of questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussion involving a total of 74 persons, thereof 41 subjects with movement disorders (primary users), 21 caregivers (secondary users) and 12 healthcare managers (tertiary users). Most important wishes were bilateral removable handrails, height and tilt adjustment, emergency detection, simplicity. In parallel to the ongoing technical development participatory design activities have been carried out at user test sites in order to continuously involve users into the design process and to allow quick feedback with regards to early prototype parts. The project currently is working on the finalization of the first prototype ready to enter the lab trial stage in spring 2017. The experiences will be used for redesigning a prototype 2 which is planned to be tested in real life settings early 2018.
ADL, hygiene, toilet, AAL, smart home
"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)
Related Projects:
Project Head Wolfgang Zagler:
ICT-enhanced Toilet Supporting Active Life
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.