
Non-textual Scientific Publications:

A. Mahdavi:
"IBPSA-Webinar - Session 8: Room acoustics performance prediction";
Publication type: WEBINAR / Video, project: IBPSA-Webinar; 2017.

English abstract:
This webinar addresses the acoustical aspects of the built environment. Starting from the foundations of building and room acoustics, relevant performance mandates and indicators will be presented. Specifically, modelling methods and tools in the area of room acoustics will be discussed.

German abstract:
(no german version available) This webinar addresses the acoustical aspects of the built environment. Starting from the foundations of building and room acoustics, relevant performance mandates and indicators will be presented. Specifically, modelling methods and tools in the area of room acoustics will be discussed.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.