
Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute):

V. Rosecker:
"Chemical and physical impact on the Szilárd-Chalmers-effect: using the example of molybdenum";
Betreuer/in(nen): P. Weinberger, G. Steinhauser, Jan Welch; Institut für Angewandte Synthesechemie, 2017; Abschlussprüfung: 28.04.2017.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The Szilárd-Chalmers-Reaction of chromates is very well studied, but the effect on Molybdenum is relatively unknown. Since Molybdenum may be considered a heavier analogue of Chromium, this lack of knowledge is unexpected. As it is for 51Cr, the Szilárd-Chalmers-Reaction of Molybdenum is especially interesting for medical applications, since neutron capture by 98Mo (natural abundance: 24.4 %) yields 99Mo, which in turn by decay, yields medically important 99mTc. In this work we varied several chemical and physical properties as counterions, pH-value, and grain size (among others) and examine their influence on the Szilárd-Chalmers-Reaction of Molybdenum. Experiments have been carried out with the TRIGA mark II research reactor and analysed via gammaspectroscopy and/or ICP-MS. Determination of the retention have been carried out after the separation of the radioisotope from the stable isotopes.

Szilárd Chalmers-effect, phthalocyanines, molybdenum

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