

C. Larvor, B. Stöger:
"The phase transition of rubidium hydrogen carbonate, RbHCO3";
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications, E73 (2017), S. 975 - 979.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Rubidium hydrogen carbonate, RbHCO3, features an order/disorder phase transition at TC = 245 K from the high-temperature (HT) disordered C2/m modification to the low-temperature (LT) C-1 modification. The crystal structures are characterized by [HCO3]22+ pairs of hydrogen carbonate groups connected by strong hydrogen bonding. The [HCO3]22+ pairs are connected by Rb+ cations into a three-dimensional network. In HT-RbHCO3, the hydrogen atom is disordered. In LT-RbHCO3, ordering of the hydrogen atom leads to a translationengleiche symmetry reduction of index 2. The lost reflections and rotations are retained as twin operations.

crystal structure; order/disorder transition; hydrogen carbonate

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