

E. Svanidze, T. Besara, J. Wang, D. Geiger, L. Prochaska, J.M. Santiago, J. Lynn, S. Paschen, T. Siegrist, E. Morosan:
"Quantum critical point in the Sc-doped itinerant antiferromagnet TiAu";
Physical Review B, 95 (2017), 220405; S. 220405-1 - 220405-5.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We present an experimental realization of a quantum critical point in an itinerant antiferromagnet composed
of nonmagnetic constituents, TiAu. By partially substituting Ti with Sc in Ti1−xScxAu, a doping amount of
xc = 0.13 ± 0.01 induces a quantum critical point with minimal disorder effects. The accompanying non-Fermi
liquid behavior is observed in both the resistivity ρ ∝ T and specific heat Cp/T ∝ −lnT , characteristic of a
two-dimensional antiferromagnet. The quantum critical point is accompanied by an enhancement of the spin
fluctuations, as indicated by the diverging Sommerfeld coefficient γ at x = xc.

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