

K. Hollaus, J. Schöberl:
"Some two-dimensional multiscale finite element formulations for the eddy current problem in iron laminates";
in: "ASC Report 21/2017", herausgegeben von: Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing; Vienna University of Technology, Wien, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-902627-10-0, S. 1 - 14.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The aim of this work is to introduce and to study the performance of some multiscale finite element formulations for the eddy current problem in laminated iron in two dimensions. The case of the main magnetic flux parallel to the laminates and perpendicular to the plane of projection is considered. Multiscale approaches based on the magnetic vector potential (MVP), the single component current vector potential (SCCVP) and on a mixed formulation are presented. An approach for a multiscale formulation (MSF) with the MVP is constructed at the best by examining and representing the eddy current distribution in laminated iron of a reference solution. The associated weak form of the multiscale finite element method (MSFEM) is presented. Similarly to the MVP the SCCVP and a mixed formulation with the MVP and the current density are studied.

Eddy currents in 2D, edge effect, generalized finite element method GFEM, laminated iron cores, micro-shape function, multiscale formulation MSF, multiscale finite element method MSFEM, p-refinement, linear dependence.

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