
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Nagl, L. Lukashuk, N. Yigit, K. Hradil, K. Föttinger:
"In-situ Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis on Catalysts: CeO2 promoted Co3O4 and Supported Bimetallic Au Catalysts.";
Poster: EUROPACAT 13th European Congress on Catalysis, Florence; 27.08.2017 - 31.08.2017; in: "EUROPACAT 13th European Congress on Catalysis", (2017), S. 87.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In-situ Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis gives access to dynamic properties of the local/intermediate‐range of a catalytically active material. With CeO2 promoted Co3O4, we prove the usefulness of the method for oxidic systems. Here, we show how changes in the local/intermediate structure can be directly linked to the promoting CeO2 in the CeO2-Co3O4 system. Furthermore, we demonstrate how information about supported metal Au nanoparticles can be retrieved via PDF analysis: For these nanocrystalline/partially crystalline systems, information gained with (in-situ) XRD is limited (sometimes, there are no Bragg peaks). Together with HR-TEM, XPS and XAS, information about the structure/reactivity of a catalyst can be obtained. Differential PDFs (before pretreatment vs. after pretreatment, oxidizing atmosphere vs. reducing atmosphere, subtraction of PDFs of reference materials, etc.) are the key element in accessing the (often small) changes that occur during a catalyst´s lifetime.

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