
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

D. Vasilescu, M. Filzmoser:
"Machine Invention Systems: A Fundamental Paradigm Shift in the Field of Innovation and its Societal Implications";
Talk: Innovation and Sustainabiltiy. International Scientific Conference. Innovation and Sustainabiltiy in Technoogy, Business and Education, Bukarest, Rumänien; 10-27-2017 - 10-28-2017; in: "Proceedings of Innovation and Sustainability International Scientific Conference. Innovation and Sustainabiltiy in Technoogy, Business and Education, third Edition", Niculescu, 3rd Edition / Bukarest (2017), ISSN: 2501-6695; 6 - 13.

English abstract:
Based on current developments from a number of industries, a new trend in the field of
innovation that challenges the well established invention paradigm is emerging. What we call
machine invention systems holds the promise of being able to automate the invention process by
removing the human component. This article creates a working definition of machine invention
systems based on current operational examples in various industries. Furthermore, the article
discusses existing challenges, usage scenarios as well as broader implications like intellectual
property and ethical and moral concerns regarding the impact of such technology on the society.

machine invention system, automated invention, automation, invention process, innovation

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.