

J. Tomczak, P Liu, A. Toschi, G. Kresse, K. Held:
"Merging GW with DMFT and non-local correlations beyond";
European Physical Journal - Special Topics (eingeladen), 226 (2017), S. 2565 - 2590.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We review recent developments in electronic structure calculations that go beyond state-of-the-art methods such as density functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). Specifically, we discuss the following methods: GW as implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) with the self energy on the imaginary frequency axis, GW+DMFT, and ab initio dynamical vertex approximation (DΓA). The latter includes the physics of GW, DMFT and non-local correlations beyond, and allows for calculating (quantum) critical exponents. We present results obtained by the three methods with a focus on the benchmark material SrVO3.

correlated electrons, DMFT, GW, GW+DMFT, DGA, SrVO3

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