
Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben:

V. Bühlmann, G. Fassl, E. Chiappone-Piriou:
"QUANTUM WORDS - A Series Of Architectonic Objects";
in Buchreihe "Quantum Words On Architectonic Objects", Buchreihen-Herausgeber: V. Bühlmann, G. Fassl, E. Chiappone-Piriou; QUANTUM WORDS ON ARCHITECTONIC OBJECTS, ATTP TU Wien, 2017, 211 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Quantum Words on Architectonic Objects

Quantum. The unit of emitted energy. Circulating and translating between all things tangible and graspable. Quantum Words on Architectonic Objects are diligent articulations of ordinary things. They are distinctive for the architect ́s ability to offer a richness of detail and insight within no less than five hundred and no more than a thousand words of print. Short enough to be read while drinking an espresso and significant enough to delight the reader with the accepted diversion.


quantum words, the table, architectonic objects

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