

E. Petrov, G. Schütz:
"Molecular movements in biomembranes";
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (2017), S. 0602011 - 0602013.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Dr Tom Miller, Publisher of J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., approached us two years ago with
an idea of organizing a special issue on the application of single molecule techniques to
processes in lipid membranes. Thinking about it, it was amazing to see how far the field
has gone. Some 20 years ago, when first single molecule measurements on biomembranes
[1] and biosystems in general [2] were reported, it would have been bold to predict the
story to come. But with improving microscopy technology and better fluorophores,
experiments have left the highly specialized environments of physical chemists and are now
routine also in biologically oriented labs. As a consequence, a wealth of novel findings has
been reported and even reached the level of textbook knowledge.

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