
Contributions to Books:

V. Bühlmann, F. Colman, I. van der Tuin:
"Introduction to New Materialist Genealogies: New Materialisms, Novel Mentalities, Quantum Literacy";
in: "the minnesota review, issue 88", the minnesota review, 2017, 47 - 58.

English abstract:
Like the new materialist turn, feminist new materialist scholarship (Haraway 1988, Barad 2007) draws attention to a novel understanding of literacy that incorporates code and is not limited to linguistic registers of grammar, syntax, and semantics (Haraway 1997). At stake is the conception of literacy, whose articulations are capable of organizing the generative potential/contingency of the expressions and forms of conceptions as real things.

literacy, code, contingency, conceptions

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.