
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

A. Soteropoulos:
"The Role of Accessibility in the sustainable transformation of cities: the case of autonomous driving";
Talk: ILS -Scientific Workshop: Accessibility: Its role in the sustainable transformation of cities, Dortmund (invited); 2017-11-16 - 2017-11-17.

English abstract:
Urban and settlement development has always been closely linked to transport and the development of technological mobility innovations. Whereas until the middle of the 19th century journeys were almost entirely on foot, the implementation of the rail and the car reshaped transport and settlement development. Land use and transport are interdependent and form an interaction - linked with the key factor of accessibility - which is embedded in political, economic and social processes.

The new technological mobility innovation of autonomous or automated driving, which seems no longer just fantasy or fiction, could completely change transport services and mobility in the coming years and decades. How will transport services change with autonomous driving? Depending on the use case, the existing transport services could be either complemented or replaced. For example, last-mile concepts with which users can be driven until the front door are conceivable. Thereby, especially accessibility and transport demand are affected, which initially has an impact on everyday mobility, such as the choice of means of transport. Later, the new services could also change the location choice of businesses, private households and public institutions - and hence the urban and settlement structure.

Crucial on this occasion is a comprehensive understanding of accessibility in relation to autonomous driving. It is necessary to clarify where the impacts of the different use cases actually set in. Are changes in settlement structures expected through these impacts, and if so, how will they manifest?

Accessibility; Autonomous Driving; Transport; Land Use

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.