
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

T. Sobottka, F. Kamhuber, M. Rössler, W. Sihn:
"Hybrid simulation-based optimization of discrete parts manufacturing to increase energy efficiency and productivity";
Talk: 15th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Haifa; 2017-09-25 - 2017-09-27.

English abstract:
This presented research comprises the development of an optimization module for use in a novel production optimization tool - similar in function but not mode of operation to an Advanced Planning System -, with energy efficiency incorporated into its goal system. The optimization features a hybrid-simulation of production systems as an evaluation function. A hybrid simulation has been developed and presented in preceding publications, in order to enable a sufficient consideration of interactions between material flow and the thermal-physical behavior of the production system. The size of the search space for the complex optimization problem necessitates a customized two-phase-optimization method, which is based on a Genetic Algorithm, with the consideration of linear constraints and extended customizations. The results, obtained in a case study featuring a food production facility, show energy savings of around 20 percent together with significant productivity gains.

sustainable manufacturing; energy efficiency; production planning; optimization; metaheuristics; hybrid simulation; case study

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