
Teilnahmen an Ausstellungen ohne Katalog:

B. Holub, P. Rajakovics:
"Shared Values, Ambulant Gardens, and Other Spaces";
Einzelschau; veranstaltet von: trieste contemporanea, Kurator: G. Carbi; Trieste, 25.11.2017 - 30.12.2017.

Kurzfassung englisch:
transparadiso will show selected pieces of projects engaging in urban issues related to the production of desire:
"On the Slim Probability", nGbK, Berlin (D), "Du bakchich pour Lampedusa", Sousse (TUN), and "The First World Congress of the Missing Things", Baltimore (USA). As in many of their projects transparadiso creates a specific situation for engaging people of also conflicting interests - residents, politicians and decision makers. Counteracting
a meanwhile often general request for participation in urban planning transparadiso wants to differentiate carefully whom to involve at which point and for which goals. The artistic-urban interventions transparadiso creates aim at returning the voice and responsibilty to the local people.

This exhibition is an event of the Harbour for Cultures project.

Harbour for Cultures, new urban-soceital values, urban issues, Trieste, urban planning, urban development, trieste contemporanea

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