
Contributions to Proceedings:

V. Bühlmann, S. Savic:
"Digital Literacy in Architecture: How Space is Organized by Computation";
in: "Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference, Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems", ACM Press, 2017, 2909 - 2914.

English abstract:
The integration of architecture and digital technologies happens on an instrumental level, where digital is associated with making the design process more efficient. Architects commonly report on interaction with computers describing the service software has provided. Computational procedures remain obscured by design outputs. In this project, we propose to critically study the relationship of architecture and technology from a perspective of interaction with digital tools. We propose the use of text-mining on a corpus of architectural discourse in social media. With concepts extracted from this initial step, we will conduct a series of experiments on collaborative qualification using a mobile application. We will show how the challenge of organizing a discourse on computational process in architectural design could involve computation in productive new ways. Finally, we will discuss how these insights could enrich the future development of computer-based tools for design.


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