
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

V. Bühlmann, F. Migayrou:
"Introduction, Conference Lecture: Architectural Mathesis";
Talk: SOPHISTICATION: Rhetorical, Geometrical And Computational »Articulation«. Conference, TU Wien; 2017-12-07 - 2017-12-09.

English abstract:
Architecture is historically bound to Mathematics as a discipline working on space
(geometry) and numbers (algebra). If it is possible to organize a history of architecture linked to the evolution of geometry from Euclidian, to differential then algebraic geometry, the consequences of a full algebrisation, the generalisation of the computational and the increasing recourse to generic simulation tools impose a new approach to the current interaction of architecture and mathematics. The influence of structuralism and the logical sources of phenomenology constitute a common ground to define a short history of computational architecture interacting with questions relative to the foundations of mathematics. To surpass the debates between formalism, realism and intuitionism, the questions of "Naturalisation", of the Theory of Categories (Topos, Morphism...) or the "Ontology of the Number" remain as keys to understand possible perspectives on digital architecture.

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