
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

J. Schöberl, P. Hamberger:
"Two-Scale Finite Elements for Laminates in NGS-Py";
Keynote Lecture: MSHOM 2016 Advances in Multiscale Methods and Homogenization for Laminates and Windings in Magnetic Fields, TU Wien (invited); 2016-09-22 - 2016-09-23; in: "Workshop MSHOM 2016", K. Hollaus (ed.); (2016), 15 - 16.

English abstract:
The numerical simulation of power transformers is a challenging endeavour. Since a brute force 3D discretization exceeds available computing power, it requires the modelling of several components: The impressed currents in the windings, thin magnetic shields, small skin layers - and the laminated core and shields. We present some of the models we have developed together with our industrial partners over the last 15 years.
We present our software projekt Netgen/NGSolve with its new branch Ngs-Py, which allows a symbolic definition of equations using the Python scripting language. We discuss the general purpose components, and show how new models are added on top of Ngs-Py.

Computational Electromagnetics, Two-Scale FEM

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.