
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Sangermano, R. Liska, N. Klikovits:
"Successful UV-​Curing of epoxy composites";
Vortrag: 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, United States; 18.03.2018 - 22.03.2018; in: "255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition", American Chemical Society Washington, D. C, (2018), S. POLY-40.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The main limitation of UV-​induced crosslinking reactions is related to the hindering of UV-​light penetration towards thickness of the formulations, which limits this polymn. technique in the prepn. of thick composite materials. This limitation has been overcome by the introduction of a Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymn. (RICFP) process1-​3. The suggested mechanism put together the so-​called Radical Induced Cationic Polymn. (RICP) with Frontal Polymn. (FP)​. UV-​cured bulk epoxy composites were successfully produced by Radical Induced Cationic Frontal Polymn. (RICFP)​; it was shown that the FP is started by the dissocn. of a radical, thermal initiator (RTI) promoted by the heat released during surface UV-​induced cationic ring-​opening polymn. Subsequently, the carbon-​centered radicals are oxidized to carbocations by the presence of the iodonium salt PAG in a RICP mechanism.

UV-​Curing of epoxy composites, Radical Induced Cationic Polymn. (RICP)

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