
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

W. OŽBrien, F. Tahmasebi:
"Annex XX - Subtask 3 - Developement and demonstration of occupant-centric building design strategies";
Talk: Annex XX - Prae-Meeting (London, April 2018), London, UK (invited); 2018-04.

English abstract:
- Background
- Current building design practice
- Background - Diversity implications
- Background - KPI implications
- Background - Climate implications
- Background - Size implications
- Background
- Objectives
- Activities
- Example Case Studies
- Deliverables
- Some key potential members

German abstract:
(no german version)
- Background
- Current building design practice
- Background - Diversity implications
- Background - KPI implications
- Background - Climate implications
- Background - Size implications
- Background
- Objectives
- Activities
- Example Case Studies
- Deliverables
- Some key potential members

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.