
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Arnold:
"Overcoming blinking artifacts in nanocluster detection with two-color STORM; seminartalk";
Vortrag: Seminar Institut für Allgemeine Physik (IAP), TU Wien; 09.10.2018.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Concerns about the existence of nanoclusters have been fueled by the notion that virtually all fluorescent probes show complex blinking behavior including long-lived dark states. This results in artificial localization clusters due to the repeated observation of single molecules. Here, we present a new approach to detect real molecular clustering using information from two-color STORM experiments. Molecular clusters exhibit a characteristic bias towards short nearest neighbor distances between localizations of different color. Shifts of one color channel provides intrinsic controls, thus allowing for statistical significance tests without the necessity of additional calibration.

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.