
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

B. Funovits:
"Identifcation and Estimation of SVARMA models with Independent and Non-Gaussian Inputs";
Poster: Barcelona GSE - Graduate School of Economics, Barcelona; 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15.

English abstract:
This paper analyzes identifiability properties of structural vector autoregressive moving average (SVARMA) models driven by independent and non-Gaussian shocks. It is well known, that SVARMA models driven by Gaussian errors are not identified without imposing further identifying restrictions on the parameters. Even in reduced form and assuming stability and invertibility, vector autoregressive moving average models are in general not identified without requiring certain parameter matrices to be non-singular. Independence and non-Gaussianity of the shocks is used to show that SVARMA models driven by independent and non-Gaussian shocks are identified up to permutations and scaling. In this way, typically imposed identifying restrictions are made testable. Furthermore, we introduce a maximum-likelihood estimator of the non-Gaussian SVARMA model which is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.