
Scientific Reports:

C. Lankisch, K. Prettner, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:
"Robots and the skill premium: An automation-based explanation of wage inequality.";
Report for Technische Universität Wien - Working Paper Series; Report No. 06, 2017; 7 pages.

English abstract:
We analyze the effects of automation on the wages of high-skilled and low-skilled workers and thereby on the evolution of wage inequality. Our model explains the simultaneous presence of i) increasing per capita income, ii) declining real wages of low-skilled workers, and iii) an increasing skill-premium. These developments are
consistent with the experience in the United States over the past decades.
JEL classification: O11, O41, I24.

automation/declining wages of low-skilled workers/ wage inequality/skill premium/long-run growth

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.