
Editorials in Scientific Journals:

U. Diebold, G. Rupprechter:
"Preface: Surface Science of functional oxides";
Surface Science, 681 (2018), A1.

English abstract:
Metal oxides, in particular their surfaces and interfaces, are of paramount importance in many areas of chemistry, physics, and technology, including heterogeneous/environmental/photo-catalysis and power generation by fuel cells. The atomic and electronic structure at the surface is often considerably different from a simple truncation of the bulk. When the thickness of oxides reaches the sub-10 nm range, their physical, (electro-)chemical, electrical, or magnetic properties generally deviate from the bulk characteristics. Modified oxides (mixed, doped, multicomponent oxides; metal contacts) play an even more prominent role in technology. When oxides are employed in technological processes, i.e., act as "functional oxides", exposure to a gaseous or liquid environment further modifies their structure and thus their properties. Future advances in oxide-based technologies rely on a fundamental understanding of the surface chemistry and physics of the involved materials, and on identifying structure-function relationships.

The current Special Issue contains contributions dedicated to Functional Oxides, ranging from ultrathin films via metal/oxide interfaces to perovskites. Most articles are related to the "SFB FOXSI", a Special Research Program (Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces), funded by the Austrian Science Foundation from 2011 to 2019, with the overarching objective to develop strategies for improving processes relevant to solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). The issue is omplemented by contributions from leading research groups who work in this area. It showcases the important role surface science plays in unravelling the fundamental surface properties, processes, and mechanisms that underly these technologically important, yet complex class of systems.

German abstract:
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