
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Gabauer, J. Lehner, S. Knierbein, T. Viderman:
"Mapping urban morphologies of (in)justice";
Vortrag: PSUC International Conference "The Urbanization of (In)Justice", Nicosia, Zypern (eingeladen); 16.05.2018 - 18.05.2018.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In spite of professional debates on uneven development in ci es having gained momentum, methodological toolkits to analyze dispropor onate pa erns of urban development are o en not subject to systema c reflec on. Our contribu on discusses methodological approaches to studying urban (in)jus ce that are reflected on a new joint project idea on "Lived Space: Public Space and Housing as Everyday Morphologies". Using a mul disciplinary approach, we review exis ng methodologies for the analysis of the spa al interface between public spaces and housing. We pursue a more involved posi onality through mapping which goes beyond considering maps as passive and neutral instruments of spa al measurement which o en fail to differen ate the accessibility of public space as (un)just.
In order to visualize (un)just condi ons of public space in mapping processes, it is crucial to engage with other disciplines such as anthropology and history. Urban design and architectural methods comprise "space- me- maps" inspired by both rela onal theories of space and Actor-Network Theory. Community planning approaches foster the use of par cipatory ac on research through performa ve ac ons and installa ons that highlight the character of different urban morphologies. An urban studies approach to injus ce that links to the crea on of urban morphologies through design also looks at who defines limits, boundaries and centrali es, and how the delicate interrela on between public and private spaces is determined. A poli cal science inspired reading of maps deals with the ques on of how to grasp what is just or unjust through reflec ng on various forms of discrimina ons ar culated in public space. As different types of exclusion and marginaliza on are o en interwoven or cons tute overlaps, our analy cal focus addresses the challenge of methodologies for researching, mapping and understanding nuances of lived public space and discusses possibili es of how to deal with intersec ng forms of injus ce. Overall, we look at urbaniza on through an of historic analysis of more recent formants of flexible capitalism, and its spa al manifesta ons and fragility.

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