Contributions to Proceedings:
W. Mach, E. Jericha, M. Bacak, D. Hainz, A. Musilek, M. Villa, H. Abele:
"Installation of a Thermal White Neutron Beam Facility at the TRIGA Reactor in Vienna";
in: "Conference Proceedings of the 26th International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2017)",
L. Cizelj, T. Holler (ed.);
issued by: Nuclear Society of Slovenia;
Nuclear Society of Slovenia,
Ljubljana, Slovenia,
ISBN: 978-961-6207-43-0,
Paper ID 502,
8 pages.
English abstract:
This year, a new multi-purpose instrument was installed at the TRIGA reactor in Vienna: the thermal white neutron beam facitlity. Its high thermal neutron flux of up to 107 cm-2s will be available for several very different new experiments. The accessible experimental site has a size of ~3.7 x 3.7 x 2.2 m3, the cross section of the beam is up to 65 x 65 mm2.
A biological shielding, made of a special kind of radiation absorbing concrete was necessary, it was designed especially for this purpose. The performance of this concrete was simulated with MCNP6 and also tested at the TRIGA reactor. Then, the shielding performance of the chamber was simulated in MCNP6 to prove feasibility. An interlock system was designed to give access to the experimental site while the reactor is in operation.
A large variety of experiments can be performed with this new neutron instrument. Fundamental physics will be pushed by investigating new devices for neutron experiments as on neutron beta decay. New tools like neutron detectors with μm-resolution or new kind of neutron optics can be developed further with this instrument. As an example of applied physics, the radiation damage of semiconductors is currently investigated. The new instrument also can be used as a station for neutron radiography. The wide variety of experiments shows the high flexibility of the new instrument and the broad impact on neutron physics at the Atominstitut.
Electronic version of the publication:
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.