
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

E. Langegger, H. Böck, M. Villa:
"Simulation Of Consequences Of Severe Accidents For Triga Mark Ii Reactor In Vienna With Rodos";
in: "Proceedings of the European Research Reactor Conference 2018", European Nuclear Society (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: European Nuclear Society; European Nuclear Society, Brussels, Belgium, 2018, Paper-Nr. 125, 6 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The TRIGA reactor at the Atominstitut Vienna (ATI) operated until 2012 with three different types of fuel elements including HEU fuel. In 2008, the Austrian Regulatory Authority responsible to supervise the safety of nuclear facilities, requested to estimate the impact of a major reactor accident using nuclear- and meteorological parameters available at that time. These calculations were performed using the PC COSYMA code.
In 2012 the TRIGA core was converted to a uniform LEU core, a meteorological station was installed at the reactor site and the RODOS simulation tool was implemented. Using these new features realistic scenarios for four types of major TRIGA accidents were calculated and are presented in this paper.
The outcome of these simulations can easily be adapted for other TRIGA reactors to document the safety of this type of research reactor.

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