
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

J. Hayden, J. Westberg, L. Patrick, B. Lendl, G. Wysocki:
"Line-locked cavity ring-down Faraday rotation spectroscopy with high repetition rate";
Vortrag: CLEO 2018 - conference on lasers and electro-optics, San Jose, California United States; 13.05.2018 - 18.05.2018.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We present a line-locked cavity ring-down Faraday rotation spectrometer for trace gas detection of oxygen. The system reaches a ring-down rate of 8-10 kHz and a noise-equivalent angle of ~9×10^−10 rad/√Hz.

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