
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

N. Haufe, L. Franta, J. Dangschat, G. Witthöft:
"Handbook for Participation Strategies for Mobility Issues in Neighbourhoods";

Kurzfassung englisch:
This Handbook outlines the basics for planning a successful participation process in neighbourhoods for mobility issues. It includes tips on planning a participation process and elaborates criteria for selecting appropriate participation methods and tools based on the SUNRISE work plan and target groups. All methods listed in the overview focus on enabling creativity among a variety of stakeholders and highlights important features. The appendix provides relevant background information for participation processes as social selectivity and local cultures, as well as a code of conduct with "Do´s and Don´ts".

Participation Communication Mobility

Zugeordnete Projekte:
Projektleitung Nadine Haufe:

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