
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

M. Meisel, M. Vavalis, G. Koch:
"Towards Next Generation European Digital Cyber-Robustness & Cybersecurity";
Keynote Lecture: ICT 2018 Imagine Digital - Connect Europe, Wien (invited); 2018-12-04 - 2018-12-06.

English abstract:
Our security and privacy is currently threatened on a unprecedented scale. An insecure future with no privacy is not science fiction any more and it greatly concerns several societal as well as industrial sectors, in particular those who are currently - or will in the future - rapidly move towards their digitalization and their digital transformation in a wide sense.

Cybersecurity, Resilience, ETIP-SNET, Smar Grid, Networking Session

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.