
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

T. Tötzer, K. Hagen, B. Gasienica-Wawrytko, J. Züger, V. Enzi, E. Meinharter:
"Mehr Grün in der Stadt - aber wie? Potenziale zur Realisierung von grünen Stadtoasen im Bestand in Wien mittels smarter NutzerInnenpartizipation";
Vortrag: BauZ! Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen, Wien; 13.02.2019 - 15.02.2019; in: "Tagungsband BauZ! 2019. Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen. Rahmenbedinungen. Darin Spielräume! Renovieren und Nachverdichten", IBO-Verlag, (2019), ISBN: 978-3-900403-39-3; S. 13 - 17.

Kurzfassung englisch:
For creating climate resilient urban structures for the future,
actions have to be taken already today to proactively counteract
negative microclimatic developments. A very effective option
for significantly reducing the urban heat islands (UHI) effects
are green-blue infrastructure measures. Although the
need for greening measures is particularly high in densely
populated areas, the financial strength and / or willingness of
decision-makers and citizens to implement green measures is
often lacking.
This is the starting point for the project "LiLa4Green", which
aims to support the realization of green-blue infrastructure
(urban green areas as well as urban water surfaces) in existing
residential areas. In order to realize projects that not only strive
for climate-friendliness, but also take into account social aspects
(quality of life, health, usability, awareness, willingness
etc.), a living lab is set up that involves decision makers and
users in the implementation process (co-creation) during the
entire project. Concrete fields of investigation are "Innerfavoriten"
in the 10th Viennese district and the Matznerviertel in the
14th Viennese district.
In the first stage of the project, the status quo has been analyzed
and greening potentials have been identified. The analysis
showed high potentials for green-blue infrastructure in the
streetscape even in the very densely built test areas. Analysis
results are presented in this paper. Parallel to the analysis, the
Living Lab has been established by means of advanced classical
participatory methods such as interviews and workshops. So
far, the participatory process revealed that participants were in
general very interested in the topic of greening the city. Although
many people could be addressed and involved in discussions,
only a small group of people were willing to take part
in the first workshop. Thus, in the next stage, the participatory
methods will be extended to new IT solutions in order to reach
additional population groups and to facilitate the realization of
green-blue infrastructures in existing residential areas.

Zugeordnete Projekte:
Projektleitung Katrin Hagen:

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.