
Dissertationen (eigene und begutachtete):

Y. Kumar:
" Development Of Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites With Metal And Metal Oxide Nanoparticles For Pollutant Abatement Applications ";
Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): W. Linert, K. Basavaiah; Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemsitry, Andhra University, 2019; Rigorosum: 29.01.2019.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Water has a broad impact on all aspects of human life includes health, food, energy and economy. Nowadays only accessible fresh water is 0.5% of the world´s 1.4 billion Km3 of water which is furthermore poorly distributed across the globe. Polluting surface or ground water sources are another cause of reduced fresh water supplies. It has been estimated that 10-20 million people die every year due to waterborne problems. Heavy metal ions, such as lead, palladium, cobalt, mercury and cadmium etc., in an aquatic system can enter the bloodstream through the food chain and have a toxic effect on living organisms. Organic dyes are common colouring agents in textile, leather, cosmetics, paper, printing, plastic, rubber, pharmaceutical industries and their direct discharge to water sources create adverse effects. Major classes of dyes are highly reactive, non biodegradable, recalcitrant, stable oxidizing agents, thermo stable, toxic and mutagenic in nature. Persistence of dyes even in small concentrations inhibits the solar light penetration into water which retards the photosynthetic action. Accumulation of theses dyes and heavy metals into body severely damage health of humans. Therefore, treatment of dye effluents from industries is a mandatory part of waste water treatment. The traditional materials and treatment technologies like activated carbon, oxidation, activated sludge, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes are not effective to treat complex and complicated polluted waters comprising pharmaceuticals, personal care products, surfactants, various industrial additives, and numerous chemicals purported. There has been a need to develop alternative method to resolve water related problems.
Nanotechnology has been considered effective in solving water problems related to quality and quantity. Nanomaterials are excellent adsorbents, catalysts and sensors due to their large specific surface areas and high reactivities. The species adsorbed onto the nanomaterials can be removed by applying mild (and affordable) gravitational (centrifugal) or magnetic force (in the case of magnetic). Metal nanomaterials includes silver, gold, platinum and magnetite et., are versatile materials that can be used in applications such as environmental remediation, medical technology, energy, water treatment, and personal care products
In general, conducting polymers (CPs) possesses alternating single (σ) and double (π) bonds, and these π-conjugated systems provide the CPs their inherent optical, electrochemical, and electrical/electronic properties. It is known that the parameters that most affect the physical properties of CPs are their conjugation length, degree of crystallinity and intra and inter chain interactions. CPs provides the advantages of chemical diversity, low density, flexibility, corrosion resistance, easy to control shape, morphology and tunable conductivity over their existing inorganic counterparts. Different types of conducting polymers and their applications are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2.
Among the CPs, PANI is the most investigated one due to its good processability, desirable electrochemistry, attractive redox properties, ease of doping and tunable conductivity, which are beneficial for plastic batteries, optical lithography, harmonic generators, display devices, magnetic recording, solid state sensors and corrosion inhibitors.


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