
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

A. Mahdavi, C. Berger:
"Introducting the ARUD undergraduate program 5 year plan - Building Technology Group";
Talk: M13- IMPAQT project meeting 3rd September 2019 - ECG, Cairo, Egypt; 2019-03-09.

English abstract:
- Building technology. Structure and construction
- Overview
- Building Physics I & II
- Building physics I - The thermal environment
- Building physics II - The visual and acoustical environments
- Building Systems Integration
- Spatial and Urban Dynamics
- Building Performance Computing
- Building Ecology

German abstract:
(no german version) Content:
- Building technology. Structure and construction
- Overview
- Building Physics I & II
- Building physics I - The thermal environment
- Building physics II - The visual and acoustical environments
- Building Systems Integration
- Spatial and Urban Dynamics
- Building Performance Computing
- Building Ecology

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.