

V. Astasauskas, A. Bellissimo, P. Kuksa, C. Tomastik, H. Kalbe, W.S.M. Werner:
"Optical and electronic properties of amorphous silicon dioxide by single and double electron spectroscopy";
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 10.2018 (2019), S. 1 - 17.

Kurzfassung englisch:
An investigation of the optical and electronic properties of amorphous silicon dioxide by means of a combination of reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy
(REELS) and secondary electron-electron energy loss coincidence spectroscopy (SE2ELCS) is presented. Optical constants for a-SiO2 were extracted from the REELS
measurements and a band gap of 9.1 eV was determined by deconvolution of multiple scattering and fitting the differential inverse inelastic mean free path with a
model energy loss function (ELF). The coincidence measurements allow to determine the surface barrier height and the electron affinity was determined to be 0.8 eV.
Furthermore, the coincidence measurements show that even in the case of an insulator, plasmon decay is the main mechanism for generation of secondary electrons.

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