

V. Majstorovic, M.N. Durakbasa, Y. Takaya, S. Stojadinovic:
"Advanced Manufacturing Metrology in Context of Industry 4.0 Model";
in: "Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Measurement and Quality Control - Cyber Physical Issue, IMEKO TC 14 2019 - Part of the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (LNME)", 1; V. Majstorovic, M.N. Durakbasa (Hrg.); Springer International Publishing AG, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-18176-5, S. 1 - 11.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Abstract. The Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Metrology Systems (CPM2Ss)
are based on integration of the Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) and connection between Internet of Things (IoTs) and Cloud technology (CT). These are highlevel methodologies for development of new generation manufacturing metrology systems, which are more intelligent, flexible and self-adaptable.
CPM2Ss generates Big Data, horizontally by integration (network of machines/CMMs, processes and sensors) and vertically by control (usually defined over five levels) which should be analytically processed and managed by the Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Metrology (CPM2). In this paper was given, a detailed analysis of the current framework of development the Industry 4.0 model, with a special place and role of CPM2 in current model. A brief overview of the concept CPM2 research, particularly in Serbia is given as well.

Industry 4.0, Metrology, Manufacturing

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