
Contributions to Books:

F. Alouges, G. Di Fratta:
"Parking 3-sphere swimmer II.The long arm asymptotic regime";
in: "ASC Report 24/2019", issued by: Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing; Vienna University of Technology, Wien, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-902627-12-4, 1 - 5.

English abstract:
The paper carries on our previous investigations on the complementary version of Purcell's rotator (sPr3): a low-Reynolds number swimmer composed of three balls of equal radii. In the asymptotic regime of very long arms, the Stokes induced governing dynamics is derived and then experimented in the context of energy minimizing self-propulsion characterized in the first part of the paper.

Biological and arti cial micro-swimmers · Optimal control · Optimal gait · Propulsion e ciency · Movement and locomotion · Low-Reynolds-number (creeping) ow

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Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.