
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

S. Sanchez Guzman:
"Inclusive Urban Planning & the Digital City";
Talk: The e-Future of Cities, Belgrad, Serbien; 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-25; in: "The e-Future of Cities: Between Temptations of Exponential Technology Growth and the Concept of Human City", B. Stojkov (ed.); Eigenverlag, Belgrad (2019), ISBN: 978-86-6283-084-5; 257 - 274.

English abstract:
This paper reviews some of the impacts of urban inequalities that cities experience today and explores planning strategies and digital tools to cope with them in both their present and near future. It focuses in the relevance and capacity of inclusive urban planning approaches to articulate place and community based sustainable development by the strategical upgrade of infrastructure systems with participative processes. Complementarily, it adds on how new digital information technology tools as Drones, §D Models and digital platforms can assist urban and infrastructure planning actors within integral and inclusive decision-making processes.

Inclusive planning, spatial inequality, strategic infrastructure projects, drone remote sensing, 3D models, digitalization, sustainable development

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.