
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

M. Kaltenbacher:
"Inverse Scheme for Acoustic Source Localization based on Adjoint Method";
Talk: 1st Alps-Adriatic Inverse Problems Workshop 2019, Universität Klagenfurt; 2019-11-07 - 2019-11-08; in: "1st Alps-Adriatic Inverse Problems Workshop 2019", (2019).

English abstract:
We propose an inverse scheme for acoustic source localization based on solving the corresponding
partial differential equation in the frequency domain (Helmholtz equation) by applying the Finite
Element (FE) method. This allows us to fully take into account the actual boundary conditions as
given in the measurement setup. To recover the source locations, an inverse scheme based on a
sparsity promoting Tikhonov functional to match measured (microphone signals) and simulated
pressure is proposed. Since the differential operators for the state equation and the adjoint equation
are the same, the FE system matrix for both partial differential equations is the same, which
results in a computational highly efficient solution process. Furthermore, the computational time
does not depend on the number of microphones nor on the assumed number of possible sources.
Finally, the inverse scheme results in a source map both for amplitude and phase and in addition the
reconstructed acoustic field is provided. The properties of this inverse scheme and its applicability
to source localization in the low frequency range will be demonstrated

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.