
Editorials in wiss. Zeitschriften:

R. E. Climie, A. Gallo, D. S. Picone, N. Di Lascio, T. T. Van Sloten, A. Guala, C. Mayer, B. Hametner, R. M. Bruno:
"Measuring the Interaction Between the Macro- and Micro-Vasculature";
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 22 (2019), Vol. 6/ Article 169; 15 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Structural and functional dysfunction in both the macro- and microvasculature are a feature of essential hypertension. In a healthy cardiovascular system, the elastic properties of the large arteries ensure that pulsations in pressure and flow generated by cyclic left ventricular contraction are dampened, so that less pulsatile pressure and flow are delivered at the microvascular level.

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