
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

M. Schütz, M. Wimmer:
"Live Coding of a VR Render Engine in VR";
Poster: IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces 2019, Osaka, Japan; 23.03.2019 - 27.03.2019; in: "26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces", proceedings.com, (2019), ISBN: 9781728113784; S. 1150 - 1151.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Live coding in virtual reality allows users to create and modify their surroundings through code without the need to leave the virtual reality environment. Previous work focuses on modifying the scene. We propose an application that allows developers to modify virtually everything at runtime, including the scene but also the render engine, shader code and input handling, using standard desktop IDEs through a desktop mirror.

virtual reality, live coding, VR

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