
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

E. Chiappone-Piriou:
"Et Alia, A projective History of the Architectural Discrete";
Talk: Discrete: Reappraising the Digital in Architecture - Symposium and Launch, UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, London (invited); 2019-04-26.

English abstract:
After two decades of experimentation with the digital, the prevalent paradigm of formal continuity is being revised and questioned by an emerging generation of architects and theorists. While the world struggles with a global housing crisis and the impact of accelerated automation on labour, digital designers´ narrow focus on style and differentiation seems increasingly out of touch.
Discrete: Reappraising the Digital in Architecture charts an emerging body of work that is based on a computational understanding of the discrete part or building block. It proposes that a new, digital understanding of assembly based on parts contains the greatest promise for a complex, open-ended, adaptable architecture.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.