
Contributions to Books:

S. Biffl, M. Eckhart, A. Lüder, E. Weippl:
"Introduction to Security & Quality Improvement in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering";
in: "Security and Quality in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering", Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-25311-0.

English abstract:
The goal of providing Complex Cyber-Physical Systems (C-CPSs) more
efficiently and faster requires improvements of engineering process quality for ensuring high quality of the developed engineering artifacts. Furthermore, information
security must be a top priority when engineering C-CPSs as the engineering artifacts
represent assets of high value.
This chapter introduces an engineering process view on the engineering of CCPSs, typically long-running technical systems, such as industrial manufacturing
systems and continuous processing systems, and derives major areas of requirements. Example requirement areas include (a) processes with intensive generation
of engineering artifacts; (b) challenges regarding dependencies and complexity of
engineering artifacts stemming from variants of a product and the associated production process for a family of products; (c) management of model and consistency
rules for dependencies between model parts; (d) the internationalization of the engineering process with partners on different levels of trust; and (e) the security of
the engineering processes, such as confidentiality of engineering plans, and security
of the systems to be engineered, such as security aspects in the design phase.
For selected requirement areas, the chapter discusses approaches for quality improvement from Business Informatics that address important classes of requirements, but also introduce new complexity to the engineering process. Therefore, the
chapter takes a look at information security improvement approaches for engineering processes, including the consideration of new security requirements coming
from risks introduced by advanced informatics solutions. Finally, the chapter gives
an overview on the book parts and the contributions of the chapters to address advanced engineering process requirements.

Complex Cyber-Physical Systems, engineering process, multidisciplinary engineering, AutomationML, information security

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.