
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

J. Gärtner, A. Arlinghaus, W. Schafhauser, M. Widl:
"Estimating Injury Risks of Working Hours - Presenting a New Open Access Calculation Engine";
Vortrag: XXIV International Symposium on Shiftwork & Working Time - Shiftwork2019, Coeur D#Alene, Idaho, USA (eingeladen); 09.09.2019 - 13.09.2019.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A large and growing body of research has shown that different characteristics of working hours are associated with increased risks for injuries and accidents at work, such as:- time of day,- time on task,- number of successive shifts,- lack of (or short) rest breaks, and- commuting times.Findings have been included in a Fatigue and Risk Index [1] to calculate the risk imposed by actual working hours. However, the incorporated risk algorithms have since been updated and current applications do not provide a transparent risk estimation, where algorithms and detailed results are accessible. Therefore, we developed a new software to calculate the injury risk of specific working hours, of single work days, and of successive days. Our software is based on up-to-date research findings and delivers a detailed report describing the results and transparently linking them to the research findings. Methods: The software integrates the most recent meta-analysis on work hours and injury risk [2] (with some adjustment) to calculate total and daily risks. The tool contains a user interface to manually enter and to import working hours. Based on the data, it generates a detailed report in PDF format with risk estimates over the total period and for each work day. Several review stages were conducted and the tool is now in final testing. Results: The software tool will be available with support of the "Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt" (AUVA, the Austrian Public Accident Insurance, Vienna) via the platform www.eval.at. The calculation engine will be open-access.Discussion: The new software tool provides information about injury risks for employers, employees and social partners. Different working time arrangements can be compared based on their inherent risk. The open access approach of the core engine facilitates scientific advancements.

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