
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

D. Winkler, L. Kathrein, K. Meixner, S. Biffl:
"Towards a Hybrid Process Model Approach in Production Systems Engineering";
Talk: 26th EuroSPI Conference, Edinburgh, UK; 2019-09-18 - 2019-09-20; in: "Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement", Springer, (2019), ISBN: 978-3-030-28005-5; 339 - 354.

English abstract:
Context. In Production Systems Engineering (PSE), experts
of different domains collaborate in loosely coupled engineering processes
to collectively plan and develop an Automation System (AS). Due to
limited collaboration capabilities of discipline-specific tools, engineering
knowledge is often lost and needs to be recovered manually with considerable effort. Information backflow is often limited due to incompatible artifacts and engineering models. Goal. Main goal is to establish
a hybrid process combined with an improved data model to overcome
initial limitations of an existing engineering process. Method. In a case
study at a large-scale automation engineering organization, we investigate challenges and requirements for a hybrid Engineering Process in
PSE. For efficient knowledge exchange, we build on a Product, Process,
and Resource (PPR) concept that aims at bridging the gap between engineering disciplines, project phases, and artifacts. Results. The proposed
hybrid process improved knowledge exchange and backflows and allows
experts to maintain planning processes within their scope. Conclusions.
Although the PPR concept was found useful, initial effort is needed for
analyzing processes and data for PPR concept implementation.

Production Systems Engineering · PPR · Case study · Engineering process improvement · Hybrid engineering process

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.