
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Fitzpatrick:
"Putting technologies for ageing in context: it takes an interdisciplinary village";
Hauptvortrag: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageing & Technology Design, Spandauer Straße 25, 57072 Siegen (eingeladen); 05.06.2019.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We´re very good at designing technologies for ageing. The enormous amount of technology design effort across academic and industry projects is testament to this. But designing *good* technologies for ageing - that fit well into lives of older people and their care networks, and enhance quality of life - is extremely difficult. The limited number of resulting technologies that have made it in the marketplace or into long term use is testament to this. Using exemplar cases I will draw attention to the experiences of older people with these technologies in their everyday contexts. In pointing to the entanglement of technology with broader social, cultural and values-based perspectives, I will argue that it takes an interdisciplinary village to design good technologies for ageing.

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