
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

W. Brenner, N. Adamovic:
"Dissemination And Training Efforts In The Frame Of European Research Projects";
Talk: INTE--ITICAM 2019, Prague, Czech Republi; 2019-07-03 - 2019-07-05; in: "INTE--ITICAM 2019 - Proceedings Book", (2019), ISSN: 2146-7358; 197 - 201.

English abstract:
The primary purpose of dissemination within European research projects is to inform the stakeholders about the conducted project and its outcome. The target groups of dissemination include not only private large companies and SMEs who act as manufacturers, application developers, systems integrators, tools and methodology providers, and so forth, but also standardization bodies, universities, training and teaching institutions, public bodies, end users, associations, knowledge exchange platforms, etc. It can be achieved through the development and application of an awareness and dissemination plan which specifies messages, target audiences and dissemination tools.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.